ON Semiconductor is the world's leading supplier of analog, logic and discrete semiconductor components. These power and interface products are an integral part of electronics that provide the security, convenience and entertainment in today's world. We have facilities and sales office worldwide. In view of our rapid expansion, we are looking for qualified individual to join our team for the following position in our Seremban plant.
-------------Advertised on 18-03-11
New Product Development Engineer
(Negeri Sembilan - Seremban)
- New product development.
- Manage project timeline and deliverables.
- Work in a cross functional team which includes global product engineering team.
- Perform product and process characterization.
- Experience in process or product development in semiconductor industry
- Familiar with semiconductor packaging technologies
- Familiar with wire bond process
- Familiar with project management process
- Familiar with statistical analysis tools, process and product characterization
- Independent, self driven, good interaction skills
- Engineering degree in either material science, chemical engineering, chemistry, electronics, electrical
Interested candidates please apply online with detailed resume. Alternatively, send detailed resume to:
Talent Acquisition Department
ON Semiconductor
SCG Industries Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Lot 122, Senawang Industrial Estate
70450 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan
Only shorlisted candidates will be notified.