

KERJA KOSONG Mobile Phone Senior Product Engineer (China - Doumen, Zhuhai, Guangdong)

KERJA KOSONG Mobile Phone Senior Product Engineer (China - Doumen, Zhuhai, Guangdong)

Headquartered in Singapore (Singapore Reg. No. 199002645H), Flextronics is a leading Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) provider focused on delivering complete design, engineering and manufacturing services to automotive, computing, consumer, industrial, infrastructure, medical and mobile OEMs. With fiscal year 2009 revenues of US$30.9 billion, Flextronics helps customers design, build, ship, and service electronics products through a network of facilities in 30 countries on four continents. This global presence provides design and engineering solutions that are combined with core electronics manufacturing and logistics services, and vertically integrated with components technologies, to optimize customer operations by lowering costs and reducing time to market. For more information, please visit www.flextronics.com.

Mobile Phone Senior Product Engineer
(China - Doumen, Zhuhai, Guangdong)



Key interface between factory & design teams for Mobile product related issues.
Help support & drive RCCA on critical issues relating from customer/field.
Mentor & train factory engineer in product & FA knowledge.
Assist in driving product test requirements & improvements.
Driving continuous improvement in process.
Support EC activity, feedback DFM/DFA issues to design team.
Assist in setting up product validation/reliability testing on site.
Assist in supporting/developing OBA activity & any failures related to OBA.
Support local team in Test/FA area, specifically around area of Baseband/RF testing and calibration.
Work with design teams to understand test coverage, test gaps, opportunities to reduce test cycle time.


Requirements (Must Have):
5+ years experience working in a product or test engineering position in Smartphone/Mobile area.
Experience/Knowledge (operational) of instrumentation used to test/validate Mobile products (e.g. Agilent 8960, N4010 etc…).
Knowledge/experience in testing & trouble shooting Mobile antenna (GSM, Wifi etc…).
Understanding of mobile protocol – CDMA/WCDMA/HSPA etc… Understand key test parameters for each of these protocols.
Experience with Wifi, Bluetooth & GPS.
Experience of solving issues/problems at a handset/system level (e.g. software, hardware etc…).
Knowledge of modem hardware & software.
Android OS experience.
Customer interface experience.
Excellent English communication and presentation skills.
Ownership and teamwork.
Be able to travel to Europe/US ~10%.

Requirements (Nice to Have):
Some team leadership experience.
Experience with Mobile carriers (e.g. AT&T etc…).
STE Modem experience.
Experience working in Design environment for Smartphone OEM company.
Some knowledge of SMT process flow.

Please send the CV to: Manufacturing@cn.flextronics.com

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