

AmBank (Malaysia) Berhad

About AmBank (Malaysia) Berhad

 The AmBank Group is one of Malaysia’s premier financial services group with leadership positions in the retail banking, commercial banking, investment banking and insurance sectors. With an established history and a track record of customer focus and innovation, the AmBank Group continues to serve its customers with a wide range of innovative products and services.
We firmly believe that we can extend our leadership positions by deploying the knowledge and skills of our staff, harnessing the power of cutting-edge technology and capitalising on our strong brand equity.

We are an institution that has an eye on the future.
  • AmBank Group is one of Malaysia's largest financial services conglomerates. What began as a small merchant bank in 1975 owes its success to a consistent record of innovation
  • It was the first merchant bank to be listed on Bursa Malaysia; the first bank to offer a prepaid credit card; the first investment bank to list an equity exchange traded fund in Malaysia; one of the first banks to offer both conventional and Islamic banking; the first bank to issue an Islamic credit card in the region and the first investment bank to list a Syariah-compliant healthcare REIT in the world
  • AmBank Group is consistently rewarded with industry accolades most recently the "Most Customer-Friendly Services", the "Best Local Private Bank in Malaysia", and the "Most Outstanding Islamic Investment Banking" awards
  • We have formed a strategic partnership with Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (ANZ), which will strengthen our domestic and regional footprint. This means that our employees will have the opportunity to gain work exposure within AmBank Group's extensive network in Malaysia, regional offices in Indonesia and Singapore, as well as ANZ offices in the Asia-Pacific region

Position Available

  • AmCareer
  • Am Graduate Programme

Basic Requirements and Qualifications

    All requirement is required when u apply online.

How to Apply

interested candidates are invited to apply online.

Apply Online


    1300 80 8888 (Domestic) or  (603) 2178 8888 (Overseas) 24 Hours A Day
    visit AmBank (Malaysia) Berhad website for further information.



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